
dimecres, 16 de novembre del 2011

Your decision

I didnt't ask... do you want to read and listen my words to you?

Always there is something else we can't see behind everything we can see.

My words to you

Perquè de llenguatges there are too much
vull parlar about communication
feel l'amor and not la por

Lots of things to say
Lots of ideas to do
With you.

Just south
I'm feeling you just went south
to find a piece of freedom
not to mum's place
just south
I'm going south
I don't follow you and I hope to meet you

Una cosa més
The note you wrote
the nose
the words there
he didn't want to listen
maybe your nose
maybe he needs a hug
the words there said a lot
thanks lovely

today it's raining again,
you just let me two?
Thanks, were beautiful
and today, were did u leave my sunset?

és felicitat
en tu
en mi
en nosaltres
I want you to be free
I know your terrible situation
we can turn it into a situation
of life.
We can
I want, I need
I need, I want

I write, you read
you speak, I listen
you sing, I dance
you teach, I learn
you, I
and other way round

You were there when I was there.
I knew it at first sight
I felt you also were knowing it then
and why not?
It's too beautiful
We were meant to be there
We mean to be

In a sunny day
I went up to the hill.
Now your decision.
I'm going to brush my teeth.
I went up to the hill. 
You have also taken a decision.
We both take the decision, s.

You arrived within an antipode to my life
the best to do for everybody
here, or there
you, them, him. Definitely him.
You and him. And I. And her. We.
Here and there, wherever
You, him and I and

Can you imagine?
I'm writing poetry
in english
is that poetry?
Is that english?
I want to keep learning
listening you
from you, with you.
We laughed
I also teach you something
I know, I also can teach you
malay, spanish, catalan, czech
with you, with me.

Home is where you feel
where you live
where you have
where you are you

Home is where I feel
where I live
where I have
where you are
where I am who I am

wherever I have been this lasts days
my face drew a smile remembering our moments
you also really make the world a better place

Some situations in this days remind me to you
and I laugh out loud
and all myself just is mmmm

Are just feelings now
i'll keep observing my life
i'll keep doing
i'll keep enjoying life every time i'm living

divendres, 15 d’abril del 2011

Working Holiday Visa per Nova Zelanda

Ho sé, fa molt que no actualitzo. Fa bastant també que no penso en fer-ho, ja tornarà el moment de dir coses... de moment us passo el link per si algú està interessat, per aquells que viatgem sota el passaport espanyol, 
ara, és el moment

per sol·licitar la working holiday visa. És un visat d'un any (per uns 60€) q et permet entrar i et dona dret a treballar en aquesta meravellosa terra per tal de poder aconseguir calerons per viure aquí. No vull enganyar a ningú, la feina més fàcil d'aconseguir, i és fàcil de trobar-la, és recollint fruita. Depèn de la temporada però hi ha cireres, pomes, peres, kiwis, raïm, etc... però no us oblideu de que sempre s'ha de provar de fer el que t'agrada també, ok?... Si es treballa un mínim de 3 mesos a l'agricultura, és pot ampliar el visat per 3 mesos més per uns 70€.

New Zealand és un país que dona molt per viatjar i no tant per treballar, això segur! Una amiga meva va passar 15 mesos i hi va treballar 4, no està malament, no? Més cosetes, penseu també en que és un país on fa fred! i es veu que bastant! quant més al nord menys, però encara existeix hivern. Ara mateix estem a la tardor i ja va fent rasquilla, però diuen que si tens la roba adequada, no fa fred enlloc!! Un bon sac de dormir, una bona jaqueta, alegria, amistats i a gaudir!!!

Pel VISAT s'ha de tenir màxim 30 anys (inclosos). Un cop acceptat et donen un any per entrar i un cop entres comença a comptar l'any d'estada a New Zealand. Donen 200 places, així que voleu en demanar-la, no dubteu! Us heu de registrar a la pàgina abans per fer-ho més ràpid.

Alé, resum:

20 d'abril de 2011, a les 10am a nz,
Nit del 19 al 20 d'abril, a les 00h d'Espanya

http://www.airasia.com/nz/en/home.html des de Christchurch (South Island NZ) fins a Paris o London (petis aeroports)
http://www.skyscanner.es/ fa un scaneig de moltes companyies i et diu les q et porten allà i a vegades un preu orientatiu. Recomano anar al web de la aero línia.

Ho deixo clar perquè a vegades no hi pensem en el canvi horari, jejje!!